Viola’s love story

That’s why I wear the mask
As I uttered the prayer
Ewat Ewat Ewat meel Jacel egay
I am only a fraction of the lover I use to be
A forgotten history
And as vacant as the empty chair in my palace of love
You have caused my weeds (weakness) to overgrow and take over the luscious garden that
overflowed with what I thought was love
But it wasn’t
And as I looked around I saw just how identical to real thing it was
And that is when
I went in search of love,
taking pieces from every land until I became so full
Ewat Ewat meel jecke egay
Allah said I have entrusted you with this vessel of a body
A temple,
At which you have to wash yourself before entering,
Why did I ever let your filthy heart taunt my purity (make it more imaginary)
When did my Taj Mahal
Become nothing more than a
Tourist attraction at the museum
Every wandering eye mesmerized
At the beauty that once was
And it was then that I realized
Hatebe at is jaclin wiliga mahesit.
Isn’t it crazy
That when I started smiling in the mirror
It reflected in the people around me
So imagine what happened when I started loving more